I'm not always as thankful as I should be for the blessings in my life. There are days when stress gets in the way...bills, work, housework, etc...these all have a way of sucking our attention away from what really matters. They are small annoyances, but can blur out all the really great blessings. So, it's a good thing that we have set aside one day of the year to wipe all that aside and focus on the things that really matter.
Thanksgiving is probably my favorite holiday. Yes, I absolutely love Halloween and Christmas, but mostly because they are just so much fun! My love and appreciation for Thanksgiving is different. Somehow, Thanksgiving has managed to avoid all the commercial trappings that have attached themselves to the other holidays (aside from Black Friday, which is more about Christmas...at least that's what I tell myself). There are no decorations, costumes, or gifts to worry with. Instead, it's just a simple day set aside for all of us to give thanks. I like and appreciate the simplicity and sweetness of that.
In that spirit, I have compiled a list of all the things I'm thankful for this year. Honestly, almost every single one has to do with family. And, I think that is exactly how it should be.
- Ten sweet fingers and ten cute toes.
- A husband whose mere presence in the room makes me feel happier and more at peace.
- Good health...for both myself and my loved ones.
- Big beautiful blue eyes that focus more and more everyday. They lock onto mine and I feel like there is nothing else on this earth that I could ever want other than this whole motherhood thing.
- "Granny B" and watching my wonderful mother transform instantly into my daughter's incredible grandmother.
- Plenty of food to eat and shelter over our heads. It is not lost on me that not all of us are so lucky.
- Giving my husband love and respect, and getting it right back ten fold.
- Tons and tons of baby kisses and snuggles. It's a wonderful thing that she's still too small to escape!
- Aunt Lala and Uncle Bean and the fact that they are just a phone call and plane ride away.
- Baby coos. Well, with my child they are more like loud squaks. What can I say? She got her momma's mouth.
- All our family and friends that have been so wonderful and supportive this year. Grandparents, big brothers, adoptive aunts and uncles...Lana is a very lucky and loved little girl.
- Being called mommy.
- Finally feeling complete and absolutely fulfilled.
As I read through all these blessings, all I can think is "What else could I possibly want out of life?"
Tom, Bradley, Lana, Karma, Ally, Scarlett, and I sincerely hope all of our friends and family have been equally blessed this year. We love you all!!!