Thursday, January 12, 2012

3 Months Old!

- You have discovered you hands.  You stare at them moving all the time.  It will be no time before you are able to hold your rattles!

- You open and close your hand frantically when you are unhappy.  It usually means you want more milk pronto or that your diaper is wet.

- We have completed the switch to cloth diapers.  Aside from the awesome $ savings, your little butt looks super cute in them  :)

- You LOVE your Granny B.  She makes up songs and poems about you and sings them to you everyday.  For instance, one goes like this..."Ba--by, Ba-by Cypert, Queen of Shelbyville!!!!"  No surprise you find her greatly entertaining (most everyone does).

-For the most part, you sleep through the night.  You go to bed between 10 and 11 p.m. and sleep straight through until 6 or 7 a.m.  All I can say about this is, thank you my child.

-You seem to be going for top honors in the "Baby Fist Eaters" contest.  You try and get both lodged in there at the same time.

-You are wearing 3-6 month clothes.
- You had your first Christmas and New Year's Eve this month.  You were spoiled by all your loved ones, even though you wouldn't have known the difference!

-Your dad likes watching cartoons with you, and you are starting to notice the TV a little bit.  

- You imitate sounds I make.  And you love to talk gibberish!  We discuss our day with each other every afternoon.

-You giggle wildly when mommy and/or daddy blow raspberries on your tummy.

-Your drooling has gotten out of hand.  Like Seriously.

- You love bath time.  You lift your legs up and bring them back down to see the water splash.

-You still hate tummy time. 

-When you do tummy time, Daddy goes behind mommy's back and turns you over on your back because he spoils you rotten.  He hates hearing you get upset.  Mommy has to be the 'bad guy' that comes flipping your over/torturing you again and again.  

- I've only seen you really cry (with actual tears) a handful of times, and you don't get fussy very much.  For the most part, you are a very smiley and happy baby.

- You do, however, have a temper...When you want something, you make it clear that you expect your need to be met...NOW.  

-You saw your first snow today, January 12, 2012, on your 3 month birthday!!!

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