Monday, July 1, 2013

Catching up

Ok... so this blogging thing kind of went by the wayside for a while. 

However, I so desperately want to start recording things again.  Not because I really want, or even care, about anybody else reading this stuff.  No, this blog is not cathartic for me like the one at was, and I don't feel like I am on a mission to spread the word on anything anymore.  What I do miss, however, is the constant recording of my thoughts and feelings about this little firecracker of a miracle child named Lana.  Over the past few months, as she does more and more to amaze me, I have kept thinking that I need to write all this down.  But I get busy.  A diaper needs changed, dinner needs fixed, and the house needs cleaned.  Not to mention my day job.  And so, these months have flown by without fail, with them my opportunity to record all the amazing things that happen daily.

I want to do better.  I want Lana to have something to read when she is older.  Something that shows her just how loved and cherished she really is (especially during those years that she thinks "Everybody hates her" and "Nobody understands her.")  I want her to know how the smallest, most insignficant things make me fall more and more in love with her daily... Things like-

~  Little painted toddler toes...meep!

~  They way she utilizes her father and I as la-z-boy recliners.  Sinking into our laps until she finds just the perfect spot to open a book or watch TV.

~ Watching her with animals.  Pure love and acceptance.  No fear (not even of spiders!).  So much kindness.

~  Witnessing the emergence of a social being.  One that desperately wants to play with the "big kids"

~  Hearing the most treasured words for any parent,

"Wub ewwww"

  Whether she understands what she is saying, I don't know.  But hearing her say it is unbelievable  :)

~  Watching her identify the letters A, B, and C on sight.  I can hardly believe she is old enough to start learning her letters!

~ The way she says "haaaaaaa-ng" anytime I reach my arms over my head in a good stretch.  She somehow has confused this with a sign that it is time to hang like a monkey from our canopy bed (thanks daddy).


~  When out of the blue she touches my nose and says "noooooooose."

~  Pointing to the framed picture of her big brother and saying "Braaaaadley"  - as if I don't know who he is :)

~  Calling cookies "cooks", abcmouse "maaaaus", and pronouncing banana with emphasis on every single syllable.  "Ba-na-na"

~  When she gets excited, and screams while tightening up her entire upper body.  All the pent up energy finally comes out as a shaking of her hands.  It cracks me up.  And reminds me soooooo much of her Aunt Lala (who to this day does the exact same thing).

I'm making a promise to myself that I will update more frequently.  If no other reason than acting as my personal journal of an amazing journey - being Lana's mommy.  It has truly meant more to me than I could have ever even dreamed.  Hope everyone is well and happy!  Happy summer!


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